WBC and National Beehives

WBC Hive only  


This hive is what everyone thinks of when talking about beehives. It's the
pretty cottage style usually painted white and known as the "Classic
beehive". The advantage of this hive is that it is double-walled and can
offer great protection in adverse weather, especially if you keep your hive in a cold damp windy environment.



These hives are supplied flat, and includes:

1 x Varroa OMF with inspection tray and feet
1 x Brood box
2 x Super box

1 x Framed Bamboo QE
3 x Lifts (one with porch)
1 x Roof (with metal lid & wasp trap)


These hives are professionally from Cedar.

If you are starting out in beekeeping, you will also need to buy a frame package (Frames page)


PDF Down load WBC assembly instructions




WBC Floor

OMF (Open Mesh Floor) with retractable inspection tray


Lift with Porch

Lift with Porch





Roof with metal lid

Roof with Metal Lid


DEEP Brood box

DEEP Brood Box



Brood box

Brood Box



Super box

Super Box




Crown board
WBC Crown Board, complete with Bee Escapes



WBC feet

WBC Feet



WBC Queen Excluder (Slotted Seel)

Queen Excluder: Slotted steel.




WBC Queen Excluder (Framed Wire)

Queen Excluder: Framed wire



WBC Queen Excluder (Framed Bamboo)

Queen excluder: Framed Bamboo






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